Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Let’s Get Canada
Ready for

Why Canada Can’t Afford to Fall Behind

We need action from policy makers across Canada to ensure we’re ready for genome-based testing, so patients can benefit from where science and innovation is today – and where it’s headed in the future.

Effective healthcare takes knowing about the nature of the underlying disease.
That’s where genomic testing comes in.

Genomic testing looks at the patient’s genes to know more about what condition they have, what outcomes can be expected and how likely they may respond to a given treatment or therapy. It empowers better clinical decisions and in turn, can lead to better patient outcomes and much-needed innovation.

Genome-based tests evaluated for use in Canada and abroad over the last seven years have described the following benefits on patient health which have been accepted by health technology assessment bodies:

Reduces severe toxicities from drug therapy or the need for drug therapy.

Avoids invasive procedures and reducing unnecessary surgeries.

Improves response to medication.

Reduces the need for additional diagnostic tests (including invasive biopsy).

Improves time to diagnosis.

Reduces medication burden.

Reduces the number of specialist referrals and follow-up visits.

It’s a gamechanger - for Canadians living with cancer, rare diseases and for future-proofing Canada’s health systems.

Progress towards equitable access to genome-based testing will bring Canada’s health systems closer to realizing the “Quadruple Aim”.

Better Patient and Caregiver Experience

Faster and better access to innovative care

Greater Efficiency, Savings and Value

Reduced red tape and waste, while making provinces more attractive for research funding and clinical trials

Better Care Provider Experience

More coordination among providers of lifesaving care

Stronger Population Health Outcomes

Reduced system-wide inequity and meeting the current and future needs of Canadian patients

Is Your Province Ready?

Countries around the globe are accelerating their progress on genome-based testing. Canada has made some progress – but we’re far from ready. There are still significant gaps in data, education, financing and more. 

Patients don’t have time to waste. Read more about the state of readiness for routine genome-based testing in Canada’s largest regions and see what actions your province can take

Call on your provincial government to take action

    Dive deeper into Canada’s readiness
    for genome-based testing.